Softnyx Club

Welcome to Softnyx Club, fun community.
Make unforgettable memory with your friends and guild members through Club.


[Club Activity] How can I use the message?

If there is any unchecked message, it is displayed as below number. Please check it clicking 'See'.

Send message
If you click the writer's nickname, you can send message right away.
Or if you know the nickname, you can send the message on [manage message > send new message] page.

Check message
You can check the message in message box, unchecked message is displayed with certain mark.
Received message is kept for 1 month. Please delete the unnessary message and move the important messages to storage box.

Reply to the message
You can reply the message with clicking 'Reply' button while checking.

You can block the sender if you keep receiving the message which you do not wnat.
You will not receive the message from the blocked user and you can release on 'Block list' menu.


See the List